Special projects

As masters of gingerbread decoration we undertake the most difficult challenges. There is no such thing that we would not be able to do with gingerbread. Cut unusual shapes, create a gingerbread logo, paint pictures, do a variety of inscriptions. Take a look at the sample gallery of our special projects.

 Glass ball with logo (Galaxy) WOŚP Sydonia
Boguslaw and Anna monument Logo (Naturkost)  Memorial medal (Czas na rozwój)
Pear Berlin T-shirt „Poland” 1
T-shirt „Poland” 1 Bell with logo (Vila) Teddies with names

Santa’s wife


New Rejs

The Tall Ships Races 2013 in Szczecin

The emblem of West Pomeranian

New headquarters of the Customs Office in Szczecin

Eiffel Tower

biała żarówka z piernika z niebieskimi i czerwonymi kropkami

Sign of Creative Industries Fair
in Szczecin

 brązowa kamienica rysowana kreską na prostokątnym pierniku

Wulflamhaus in Stralsund (Germany)

brązowa kamienica na prostokątnym pierniku

Wulflamhaus in Stralsund (Germany)

Czerwony rysunek ratusza na prostokątnym pierniku Town hall in Stralsund (Germany)  brązowa brama z czerwonym dachem na prostokątnym piernikuKüter Tor in Stralsund (Germany)
rekawice prostokat 72

Never give up

 stara rzeznia prostokat 72

The Old Slaughterhouse
in Szczecin


I Lower Secondary
Schools Forum

papugi b tlo



Special realization for
a customer from Germany

3Special realization for
a customer from Germany

Due to the characteristic of manual work, please place orders in advance. The term of each order is confirmed individually. If you have questions about the possible dates, please contact us by phone or email.